The Green Party Platform
We all know the Green's goal this election is to elect an MP, not to form the next government. Although the document consists of some 36 pages the mainstream media has decided to sum it up in bullets.
The big one that shows up is proportional representation. This country is as uneven as a country can go, and that needs to change. Our voting system is broken and it's going to take an outside party to see that!
Have a look at the Green Platform, it can be found online @ - even though the Green's won't form government, there's a lot of great ideas in there that we need to look at and debate!
- minimum efficiency standards for cars
- Ban on pesticides for cosmetic purposes
- Banning bulk water exports
- Taxing non-renewable energy and offering incentives for renewable energy.
- More GST cuts on essential supplies
- More foreign aid
- Lower the voting age to 17
- proportional representation
The big one that shows up is proportional representation. This country is as uneven as a country can go, and that needs to change. Our voting system is broken and it's going to take an outside party to see that!
Have a look at the Green Platform, it can be found online @ - even though the Green's won't form government, there's a lot of great ideas in there that we need to look at and debate!
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