Vancouver Debate: Part II
Issue 4: Immigration – What is your plan to stop discrimination against new highly educated immigrants? With respect to respecting degrees.
Duceppe: Education is a provincial responsibility;
Martin: Program in place called “bridge to work” to help immigrants come in. Also believes Canadian government has a role in allowing immigrants to obtain Canadian work experience. Also called for language training.
Harper: Will setup Canadian agency for assessment of credentials to allow immigrants to obtain Canadian credentials without starting from scratch.
I think Harper won this won by a mile; Martin gave a speech about what they have done, but did not provide any idea of what he would do.
Winner: Harper
Issue 5: Accountability – Why should party leaders not be accountable for actions?
Martin: Talked about Gomery report and how Martin turned it over to the RCMP. Claimed Liberals formed lawsuits to recover funds lost. Essentially tried to save face.
Duceppe: Talked about how Martin expelled 10 members from the Liberal Party and how he paid back $300,000 of taxpayer’s money. Demanded Martin release names of people who received money.
Harper: “Only way for government be held accountable is to defeat it” – Again his fast act being the Federal Accountability Act to ensure scandals don’t happen again, limiting donations to parties to $1000, independent offices of Parliament and commissions etc. Also called for whistle blower protection.
Reaction to all leaders being called crooks: Everyone basically called for accountability. Everybody was shocked at being called crooks.
On the issue, I don’t think anyone really won; the only one to bring out policy was Harper, although he has touted the Accountability act too much to make an impact.
Issue 6: What would you do to stop “party hoping?”
Duceppe: Stated MP’s won’t be re-elected unless they leave for good reasons and people are not fooled.
Martin: MPs must be able to have a free vote and must be able to change if the party does not suit their views. A question for Harper on third party advertising and more.
Harper: Attacks to move MP’s were “bribes” – Conservatives have looked at various private members bills on the issue – stated that bill would give too much power to party leaders.
Issue 7: “Would you be willing to enforce legislation to ensure that an election promise would be executed reasonably within a fair period if time, if they did not, they must resign?”
Harper: Conservatives would implement changes immediately, suggested such a process would simply bog down in the courts.
Duceppe: Another attack on the Liberals regarding Liberal changes to platform. It would be tough to bring in a timeframe, the situation changes too much.
Issue 8: “Do leaders have a plan to ensure that MP’s will get down to work?”
Harper: Some obligation for MP’s to work together. Talked about Conservative record was solid and then an attack on how the Liberals would not admit they had a minority.
Duceppe: “Bloc is open to ideas” – is it good for
Martin: It will work if party leaders want to make it work – the other party leaders are not willing to debate and work. “Let’s work together.”
Nobody really won this one, everyone gave the run around! Is it that hard of a question, it really was not that hard to answer?
Part III is coming up next with taxes and the economy on deck!
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